Tenuta Olim Bauda

Tenuta Olim Bauda

When an activity like wine making – poetical and practical at the same time – is passed down from father to son for four generations, not only are inherited land and experience but also passion, and loving care . These, along with knowledge and learning, are the basic elements of a glass of wine great.

The Estate was first managed by great grand-father Giacinto, then by grand father Giovanni, and finally by Agostino, father of Dino, Diana and Gianni, who now are at the helm of it. Since 1998, Dino has been in charge of the vineyards and production, Diana of the administration, and Gianni of the  commercial and customer relations aspects .
Year after year, the three Bertolino brothers have studied the wine-making process carefully  and learnt all its secrets. Now they offer well-known wines of superb and appreciated quality.
They are currently supported in their activities by  agronomist Federico Curtaz, and oenologist Giuseppe Caviola.

Advanced technology in the cellar while obeying the rules of tradition are the hallmarks of Tenuta Olim Bauda.  All of the grapes are Estate grown using sustainable and integrated farming methods, no chemical weed killers or other synthetic compounds are used in the vineyards.  The winery is split into two sections, one for fermentation and the other for aging the wines.  Tino, Dina and Gianni Bertolino insure that the highest quality levels in all aspects of wine production are the standard at Olim Bauda.  A deep respect for the rhythms and laws of nature are their credo.